Toast to the Centennial

As we commemorate a century of academic excellence and growth in Greece, the voices of those who have walked our halls and supporters of the College take center stage

Το Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος, που φέτος συμπληρώνει 100 χρόνια παρουσίας στη χώρα μας, είναι ένα σχολείο με σημαντική ιστορία και πολύτιμη συνεισφορά στην εκπαίδευση. Ξεκίνησε ως σχολείο θηλέων το 1875 στη Σμύρνη με πρωτοβουλία της οραματίστριας αμερικανίδας ιεραποστόλου Μαρίας Γουέστ, και συνεχίζει μέχρι σήμερα, με τις τρεις εκπαιδευτικές του μονάδες, Pierce, Deree και Alba, την αδιάκοπη προσπάθειά του να διαμορφώσει ανεξάρτητους, ηθικά υπεύθυνους, κοινωνικά ενεργούς πολίτες. Χαρακτηριστικό είναι το σύνθημα του σχολείου Non ministrari sed ministrare, ηθική επιταγή που συμπυκνώνει την ιδέα της προσφοράς, της υπεύθυνης και ανιδιοτελούς υπηρέτησης των συνανθρώπων μας. Από τις εξαιρετικές εγκαταστάσεις του Pierce σε σχέδια του Κωνσταντίνου Δοξιάδη ως το υποδειγματικό Campus του Deree, την πολυδιάστατη εκπαίδευση που παρέχει το πρώτο ως τα καινοτόμα προπτυχιακά προγράμματα του δεύτερου, και τη σχολή Business που επιβεβαιώνει τη γόνιμη σχέση και σύνδεση του ιδρύματος με τον επιχειρηματικό κόσμο, το Κολλέγιο προάγει την παράδοση της εκπαιδευτικής αριστείας, αντιμετωπίζει με δυναμισμό τις σύγχρονες προκλήσεις, εξοπλίζει τους αποφοίτους του κατάλληλα, παρέχοντάς τους υποτροφίες ή οικονομική στήριξη, ώστε να ανταποκριθούν στις απαιτήσεις ενός κόσμου που αλλάζει ραγδαία. Εύχομαι και στα χρόνια που θα έρθουν να συνεχίσετε να εργάζεστε με τον ίδιο ζήλο, τον άψογο επαγγελματισμό, τον σεβασμό, τη συναισθηματική κατανόηση και ενθάρρυνση προς τους μαθητές και τους φοιτητές σας για τη δημιουργία θετικών προτύπων ζωής και δημιουργίας.

Κατερίνα Σακελλαροπούλου, Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας
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Εύχομαι ο πρώτος αιώνας παρουσίας του Αμερικανικού Κολλεγίου στην Ελλάδα να είναι το προοίμιο για πολλά ακόμη χρόνια συμβολής του στην πνευματική εξέλιξη των νέων μας. Συγχαρητήρια στους μαθητές, τους καθηγητές και τα στελέχη του ACG που συμμετέχουν σε αυτό το συναρπαστικό ταξίδι γνώσης, αριστείας και προσφοράς στην ελληνική κοινωνία. Τα καλύτερα είναι μπροστά!

Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης, Πρωθυπουργός
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ACG provided me with a robust education through a nurturing faculty and staff in the most beautiful of settings on Mount Hymettus. This educational foundation instilled in me curiosity, work ethic and humility, which have been the bedrock of my academic and professional career. I am inspired to support our school and students, putting into practice our motto of ‘Non ministrari, sed ministrare.'

Alex Aldous, Pierce ‘98, ACG scholarship recipient, ACG Board of Trustees member; General Counsel, Corporate Secretary, Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Government Relations Officer at The Chefs’ Warehouse, Inc.
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The American College of Greece has always been my second home. All of my family members have been blessed to be part of its community for many decades. Since its establishment, the ACG has always been helping students in need. Given the upcoming centennial celebration, I wish that our college continues to instill its values of "non ministari sed ministrare" to many more generations.

Antonios Aldous, Pierce '06, Risk Underwriter Greece & Cyprus at Coface
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True to its founding mission and values, The American College of Greece has transformed the lives of thousands of young men and women during the past 100 years, while serving the broader society at multiple levels. Proud and grateful to be a member of the big ACG family, I am wishing my alma mater an even brighter future ahead!

Claudia Carydis, ACG VP Public Affairs, Pierce ’81- Deree ‘84
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Memories of my school years at Pierce have been an anchor through times of personal and professional endeavors to serve, not to be served. “Non ministrari, sed ministrare” is, for me, the essence of being an ACG alumna. May the School continue to flourish and excel for the next 100 years!

Evy Christofilopoulou, Pierce’74, PhD (Lon), Associate Professor - Hellenic Open University, Member of the Board- Karelia Tobacco Company Inc., ex Minister and Member of the Greek Parliament
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Celebrating my beloved Alma Mater’s centennial, I am filled with a profound sense of pride, gratitude and nostalgia. My time at ACG has been nothing short of transformative. The American College of Greece has been more than just a school; it has been a home where I returned as a professor to teach our bright students for more than 15 years. Congratulations on reaching this momentous milestone, and may the centennial celebration be a testament to the enduring legacy of ACG. HERE’s to a future filled with continued success, growth, and the realization of even greater dreams.

Panayiotis Peter Contis, Deree College, BSBA 1981, Professor Northeastern University, Vice President Ameresco
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It is an honor to be an alumnus of an institution distinguished by its outstanding vision and contributions to education in Greece. On its 100th anniversary, I wish the American College of Greece and Deree a continuing success in inspiring and educating young adults in Greece and the world!

Antony Contomichalos, Deree '81, President at MacArthur Capital Group
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I would like to express my warmest congratulations for a full century of strong and very successful presence and contribution of “The American College of Greece” to the Greek educational system! The secret of its success and overall offer lies in the promotion of critical thinking, the dissemination of knowledge, aiming for social wellbeing, and encompassing in its educational program the concepts of knowledge, occupation, empathy, and contribution! I wish for longevity and a hundred more successful years to come!!!

Irene S. Daifas, CEO of Stavros Daifas Maritime Corporation S.A., Authorized Municipal Councilor of Culture of Piraeus Municipality, General Secretary of THE HELLENIC MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (HELMEPA)
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I joined the Debate Club my first week at Deree. I did not know, at the time, that I was making one of the most important, life-changing decisions. The skills I learned on the debate circuit have touched and empowered any endeavors I have put my mind to over the years. The friendships I made and the tools I gained fired my confidence and critical thinking while honing my public speaking and interactions. I cannot emphasize enough what a gift all of this has been to me.

Lana de Beer David, Deree ‘00, was a founding member of the Deree Debating Club as a student and is now its champion and chief financial supporter, funding an endowment
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Non ministrari, sed ministrare! Εύχομαι το σχολείο μας να συνεχίζει να πλάθει νέες και νέους με ελεύθερο, φιλοπρόοδο και δημιουργικό πνεύμα, με αυτοπεποίθηση αλλά και με αυτογνωσία και ενσυναίσθηση. Υπεύθυνους πολίτες, καλούς συνανθρώπους που συμβάλλουν στην πρόοδο της κοινωνίας μας.

Athina Dessypri, Pierce ’81, President, Bodossaki Foundation
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It brings me a great sense of joy and pride when I get asked about growing up. I always mention that Pierce equipped me with friends for life and gave me numerous opportunities that shaped me and provided me with invaluable skills. I hope that Pierce will continue offering this unique environment for its students!

George Dikaios, Adjunct Lecturer, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Research Fellow, UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy & Institute of European Integration and Policy
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Pierce School's impact on my life has endured through the years. As we celebrate its centennial, I'm reminded of the lasting values of integrity, community, and excellence that continue to guide me. With deep gratitude, I extend my warmest wishes to the academic and administrative staff of ACG on its 100th anniversary.

John Dragnis, Pierce '95, CEO Goldenport Group
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Deree gave me the right amount of courage to stand out from the crowd and conquer my dreams.

Lela Dritsa, Deree ‘04, President and Cofounder Nannuka
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Deree shaped my life and career by giving me the best possible foundation to understand why and how to go after the missions I choose.

Antonios Fiorakis, Deree ‘06, CEO of tech start-up Protio
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Το Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος εισήγαγε στο εκπαιδευτικό μας σύστημα ήθη και δεξιότητες που αποτέλεσαν εξαιρετικά εφόδια στη ζωή πολλών συμπατριωτών μας τα τελευταία 100 χρόνια. Εύχομαι ολόψυχα να συνεχίσει την προσφορά του στα νιάτα της πατρίδας μας για πάρα πολλά ακόμη χρόνια!

Θεόδωρος Φέσσας, Πρόεδρος ΔΣ, Quest Συμμετοχών ΑΕ
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During the course of its 100-year presence in Greek education, the social and cultural contribution of The American College of Greece is enormous and invaluable. My best wishes go out to ACG for ongoing success, and my sincere congratulations to the Academic and Administrative staff for providing a high-standard education.

Costis Frangoulis, President, Propeller Club, Port of Piraeus
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I am proud of Pierce College and wish that it will continue to be the school where students are happy, where learning is interesting and fun, where minds become inquisitive, innovative and productive, where people care about each other. To many, many happy and successful years!

Dr. Mina Gaga, MD, PhD, FERS, FCCP, Pulmonologist, Director of the 1st Respiratory Medicine Dept, Hygeia Hospital, former Alternate Minister of Health
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Είναι αξιοθαύμαστο πως το Αμερικάνικο Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος μπορεί να έχει τόση σημασία στην ζωή κάποιου χωρίς καν να είναι απόφοιτός του. Και δεν μιλώ μόνο για τους πολλούς συνεργάτες μου που έχουν περάσει από τα θρανία του, ούτε για την πολύτιμη σχέση που διατηρώ με το ALBA, αλλά κυρίως επειδή μου ανακινεί συναισθήματα και εικόνες από τις αλλοτινές και χαμένες πατρίδες, από τις οποίες πολλοί προερχόμαστε. Καλή συνέχεια λοιπόν και να συνεχίσει να δημιουργεί εκτός από αποτελέσματα και συναισθήματα.

Δημήτρης Γκανούδης, General Manager, Great Place to Work
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Pierce’s open-minded environment empowers young hearts and minds. My time at Pierce gave me a strong voice, opportunities to flourish, and helped me understand the value of being a woman.

Eleni Gazi, Pierce ‘60. Illustrator and graphic artist, co-founder of the magazine To Rodi and founder of the nonprofit Elix
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Για 100 χρόνια το Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος μορφώνει ανεξάρτητους, ηθικά υπεύθυνους και κοινωνικά ευαισθητοποιημένους πολίτες της Ελλάδας και του κόσμου. Συνδυάζοντας την πνευματική κληρονομιά της πατρίδας μας με τις βέλτιστες διεθνείς εκπαιδευτικές πρακτικές, όχι μόνο έχει καθορίσει τις ζωές χιλιάδων μαθητών του, αλλά και έχει εμπλουτίσει την Ελλάδα σε όλους τους τομείς: τις επιστήμες, τον πολιτισμό, την οικονομία, την πολιτική. Εύχομαι και τα επόμενα 100 χρόνια του Αμερικανικού Κολλεγίου Ελλάδος να είναι το ίδιο παραγωγικά και δημιουργικά!

Κωστής Χατζηδάκης, Υπουργός Εθνικής Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών
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There is no doubt that for most of us, if not all, our school years represent the melody of childhood engraved deep inside us. For me, my time at ACG represents a passage from childhood to adulthood when, perhaps for the first time, I really felt seen, supported, loved. Those years lasted only a few seconds, and their ripples extend for decades.

Panos Karan, Pierce '00, Pianist
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Η συμπερίληψη του Κολλεγίου στην εκπαίδευση και τον πολιτισμό μας είναι θεμελιώδης, αντανακλά τα πρότυπα του εξωτερικού και το καθιστά μοναδικό στη χώρα μας. Εύχομαι να συνεχίσει να οδηγεί και να προσαρμόζεται στις αλλαγές της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας, διατηρώντας τον ρόλο του ως πρωταγωνιστής.

Dimitra Kalantoni, Alba '20, President & CEO ΕΞΕΛΙΞΗ ΖΩΗΣ
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Marking a century in Greece, Pierce School evokes pride in its achievements in students' personal & professional growth. A transformative springboard of education and culture, Pierce remains a guiding force toward purposeful fulfillment. Here's to nurturing innovative ideas and shaping extraordinary personalities for the generations to come.

Niovi Kallergi, Pierce '81, Vice President & CMO @ Kafea Terra Food and Drinks S.A.
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In 100 years from now, we hope to see ACG celebrating its 2nd centennial in Greece, surrounded by alumni who continue to hold the same pride and respect for the school as we do today.

Vassilios Katsos, Chairman – Co founder VNK capital, P ‘91
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Here's to another 100 years of instilling higher purpose and resilience through excellent education. Long may ACG values continue to inspire lives of service.

Angie Kehagia, MD PhD, Deputy Director, Senior Health Technology Analyst and Clinical Expert, King’s Technology Evaluation Centre (KiTEC), P ‘99
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ACG gave me the confidence and tools to excel in life. Whether it was facilitating a meeting between President Barack Obama and CEO / Chairman of the Libra Group George Logothetis, working under the leadership of Arianna Huffington at Thrive Global, or being accepted into Brown University's Master’s in Technology Leadership program. ACG saw my potential as a leader before I did. As an alumna, I believe it’s important to pay it forward to students who come after me and continue to give back to an institution that gave me so much.

Angel Key, Deree '15, National Endowment for the Humanities White House Liaison
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ACG has been a key pillar in educating executives in Greece and developing thought leadership. It is my great pleasure to celebrate the College’s centennial journey and I wholeheartedly wish ACG to continue making an impact in both Greek society and the economy and raising our expectations!

Dr. Ioannis Koliousis, Associate Professor of Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Director of Executive MBA, Cranfield School Of Management
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The Pierce and Deree environment perfectly aligned with my character. I found a space to nurture all my aspirations and dreams. I could engage in public life, partake in cultural activities, immerse myself in theater, sing in the choir, compete in sports events, and express my artistic side. All of this was complemented by a robust academic foundation and exceptional English language education. This experience offered me a balanced and fulfilling student life, establishing a healthy model that has guided me throughout my journey—both in my career and personal life—up to this very day.

Gelina Koukoumeli, Pierce ‘83, Senior Business Consultant
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Deree has given me a safe and diverse environment to practice and grow learning agility, as well as the right opportunities to develop hard and soft skills through international internships and study abroad programs in universities, including the prestigious Stanford University. I can only be grateful for my years at Deree as I received all the support needed to grow both personally and professionally, dream bigger and pursue an international career within a very short time from graduation.

Christina Koufoupoulou, Deree ‘18, Revenue Growth Management lead – Coca Cola HBC
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ACG has played a pivotal role in who I am today. When I joined Deree right after graduating from high school, I was a student without a clear path or drive for success. From my very first year at Deree, I got a clear picture of what I wanted to do, but I also built the confidence I needed to be who I wanted to be.

Nikos Koumettis, Deree ‘86, member of the ACG Board of Trustees and currently serves as Europe President of The Coca-Cola Company
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Θα ευχόμουν στο Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος να τα εκατοστήσει, αλλά ήδη έφτασε στα 100 έτη στην Ελλάδα… Οπότε εύχομαι να τα χιλιάσει! Εύχομαι για 1000 χρόνια να «καλλιεργεί» μαθητές που με τη σειρά τους συμβάλλουν να γίνει καλύτερος ο κόσμος μας, με προσφορά στους συνανθρώπους και στο περιβάλλον.

Φώτης Κουρμούσης, Alba '18, Εκτελεστικό Μέλος Δ.Σ. του Ταμείου Χρηματοπιστωτικής Σταθερότητας
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Pierce changed my life. Without Pierce, I would not have had the opportunity to study in the United States, which in turn created a set of opportunities that would have otherwise been entirely inaccessible.

Nikitas Koutoupes, Pierce ‘91, graduated with highest honors from Princeton University and Harvard Business School, currently Managing Director at Insight Partners private equity firm
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Congratulations to The American College of Greece on 100 years of enriching Greek education and fostering cultural and social growth. Here's to a future of continued growth, inspiring minds, and deepening societal impact.

Paris Kyriacopoulos, Chairman and CEO, Motodynamics SA
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Psychologists say that the perfect parent is nothing more than a launch pad for the children. Studying psychology at Deree was the perfect launch pad for me. It was inspiring, character-building, empowering. It made me confident enough to continue my studies on a post-graduate level in the UK and even start a career there. Even after quite a few years, that amazing ‘Deree effect’ is with me every single day.

Antonia Kyriazi, Deree ‘94, co-founder and owner of Wine and Spirits Professional Center
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1923- 2023: 100 χρόνια Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος. Ένας αιώνας εκπαιδευτικής και ακαδημαϊκής αριστείας, ήθους, καινοτομίας, προόδου. Ένας αιώνας παιδαγωγικού έργου και πολύπλευρης προσφοράς, ένας αιώνας αγάπης, σεβασμού, εκτίμησης και πίστης στις ικανότητες των μαθητών, των σπουδαστών και τις δυνατότητες των εκπαιδευτικών, ένας αιώνας στήριξης στους γονείς και κηδεμόνες για την πραγματοποίηση των ονείρων των παιδιών τους. Ένας αιώνας που φωτίζεται από το λαμπρό παράδειγμα του εκπαιδευτικού οργανισμού και μεταλαμπαδεύει αξίες, αρχές και ιδανικά από το σχολικό και ακαδημαϊκό περιβάλλον με πρεσβευτές τους μαθητές του και τους σπουδαστές του, τους ενεργούς πολίτες της παγκόσμιας κοινωνίας. Καλή, δημιουργική και ουσιαστική συνέχεια στην πολυετή πορεία σας!

Ζέττα Μ. Μακρή, Υφυπουργός Παιδείας, Θρησκευμάτων και Αθλητισμού
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ACG’S contribution to the Greek educational landscape cannot be overstated. ACG has artfully married American structure, governance, liberal arts, accountability and meritocracy with Greek resourcefulness and culture. I feel privileged to have been associated with ACG as a trustee and truly believe its best days are yet to come. Happy Birthday!

Alexander Makridis, Chairman, Chryssafidis SA
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My Deree studies truly shaped to a very large degree who I am - how I work, lead and approach life. Guided by inspiring teachers, I learned the value of inquisitiveness combined with intellectual rigor and structured, creative work. Through Art, Economics, Theatre, Philosophy, Music and most of all, my life's passion, History, I left Deree as a citizen of a world whose true wealth is its diversity of peoples, cultures and ideas. This ‘citizenship’ and these principles have guided my personal and professional course ever since.

Nicholas Mandalas, Deree ‘98, Head of Communications for Western Union, Europe & CIS
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Deree was the first institution that truly nourished my creativity, inquisitive mind, and ability to be a self-starter. There, I also learned that as long as I kept asking interesting questions and worked hard for the answers, there would be no barriers to what I could achieve.

Agnes Mariakaki, Deree ‘80, founder MindSearch, co-founded the European Group for Applied Body Language
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Many warm congratulations to all of our colleagues at The American College of Greece on the wonderful centennial celebration of the school. We have been so very pleased to collaborate with you toward a better understanding of Greek and American business and look forward to a continuation of our successful relationship!

Susan McTiernan, D.B.A., Former Dean, Mario J. Gabelli School of Business, Roger Williams University
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100 years of educational presence, impact and progress. I wish the continuance and further expansion of your work as a beacon of knowledge, attentiveness and excellence. Your human-centric curriculum combines a deep dive into technology with a critical understanding of its impact on society. This is the most appropriate statement on the importance of education as the mother of resilience, ethos and sustainability. A vision that the Ministry of Education shares and will continue to support.

Domna Michailidou, Greek Deputy Minister of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports
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On this momentous occasion, I extend my congratulations to all those who have contributed to the success of this institution over the past 100 years. Your commitment to education, culture, and society has left an indelible mark on Greece and beyond. May the next century be even more fruitful.

Philippa Michali, Alba '05, Chairwoman & CEO of NN Hellas
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Congratulations to The American College of Greece on its momentous 100-year milestone! Your unwavering dedication to quality education has had a profound impact on Greek society and culture. Here's to another century of nurturing intellect, fostering growth, and shaping the bright minds of tomorrow. Warmest wishes for continued success and innovation!

Marios Mitromaras, Alba '01, Chief Executive Officer, Intralot Australia Pty Ltd | Intralot Gaming Services Pty Ltd
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I like to dream that my journey might lead me to become a CFO, a CEO, or, why not, to embark on my own venture, but the truth is I don’t know how my path will unfold. What I do know, though, is that one of the catalysts towards this future Tasos will be the Alba MBA experience, an experience I wouldn’t have been able to afford without ACG’s help.

Tasos Ntaskas, Alba ‘23, Product Strategy, SoftOne Technologies S.A.
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Happy 100 years in Greece! The American College of Greece has played a vital role in bringing our countries together. By offering American-style education in Greece, it has provided students with a unique opportunity to experience the best of both worlds and a world-class education for future leaders in an environment of academic curiosity and innovation. Sending you my best wishes for the next 100 years and beyond!

Maria D.G. Olson, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy, Athens, Greece
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I joined Deree after dropping out from the National Technical University of Athens, where I had entered through Panhellenic Examinations two years before to study topography engineering, but I soon realized that this was not how I wanted to (or should) spend my student life. This was a very controversial decision at the time, but in hindsight, it was one of the best decisions of my life. The flexibility of being undecided upon entry gave me time and resources to find out what I like and understand myself more. I keep this approach; it still takes time to understand before making decisions.

Georgios Papadimitriou, Deree ‘96, Galp (Lisbon), Board of Directors and Executive Committee responsible for Renewable Energy, New Businesses and Innovation
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Pierce helped me become a more open and self-confident person... My favorite teacher was Professor Yotopoulou-Sisiallianou !!! What a personality! The enthusiasm she had for Art History made us all love the subject. Till now, I have a strong interest in Byzantine Art and European Renaissance Art because of her.

Aigli Papantonopoulou, Pierce ‘65, Fulbright Fellow, researcher, professor of mathematics at The College of New Jersey
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Celebrating 100 years of The American College’s presence in Greece, we honor its substantial contribution to our country’s educational and cultural ecosystem through the provision of transformative education and fostering cultural collaboration between Greece and the United States. Our heartfelt wishes for yet many more centuries of pioneering excellence, shaping innovative thinking and nurturing talents.

Dr. Yiannis N. Paraschis, CEO, Athens International Airport S.A.
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Scholarship students often outperform other students; they really deserve the help they receive. Being an Alba alumnus has opened many doors for me; it’s only common sense to want to give back. We are more than 5,000 Alba alumni. Even a small contribution from each one of us can go a long way.

Farzad Parikhani, Alba ‘21, former refugee student scholarship recipient, translator for the European Union Agency for Asylum, currently works as a market specialist
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I have learned three enduring lessons at ACG: 1) Obtaining high-quality education in Greece is indeed possible. 2) Friendships born during university years are for life. 3) Solid undergraduate studies are a high-return investment.

Dimitris Politis, Deree ‘90, CEO of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund or TAIPED
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The American College of Greece's centennial celebration marks a century of academic excellence. May its future be as illustrious as its storied past, enlightening generations to come.

Michael Printzos, Country Head Greece, The Hellenic Initiative
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Through good times and bad, ACG has provided top-quality education to its students while bringing Greece and America closer together. My time as a trustee and adjunct teacher of ethics was an invaluable opportunity to get to know the wonderful faculty and students. Congratulations on the 100th anniversary!

Emanuel Rouvelas, ACG Life Trustee
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To Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος αποτελεί διαχρονικά κοιτίδα και φάρο γνώσης, αξιών, πολιτισμού και αριστείας, συμβάλλοντας ενεργά στη διάπλαση πολύπλευρων προσωπικοτήτων. Ζώντας πλέον σε μια εποχή μόνιμων ανατροπών, εύχομαι να ενισχύσει περαιτέρω το αποτύπωμά του, ωθώντας την πρόοδο και ευημερία της ελληνικής κοινωνίας και οικονομίας. Χρόνια πολλά στην οικογένεια του Κολλεγίου!

Δρ. Κυριάκος Σαμπατακάκης, Πρόεδρος & Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, Accenture
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Η φετινή επέτειος των 100 ετών από την επανίδρυση του Αμερικανικού Κολλεγίου Ελλάδος μας υπενθυμίζει τον αγώνα ανασυγκρότησης της χώρας στον απόηχο της Μικρασιατικής Καταστροφής και συγκεκριμένα της Σμύρνης από όπου προήλθε αλλά και την διαχρονικότητα της ελληνοαμερικανικής φιλίας και συνεργασίας. Εύχομαι το Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο να συνεχίσει να αποτελεί έναν σύγχρονο εκπαιδευτικό οργανισμό που θα χαίρει της αναγνώρισης και εκτίμησης της Ελληνικής κοινωνίας. Ειδικότερα δε το Alba που διαμορφώνει τους ηγέτες που στελεχώνουν την επιχειρηματικότητα, τον κορμό της ανάπτυξης και της ευημερίας του τόπου μας.

Ιωάννης Δ. Σαρακάκης, President, Saracakis Group of Companies
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Congratulations to The American College of Greece for its 100th anniversary and its highly successful unit, ALBA Graduate Business School. Knowing ALBA now for more than 20 years, I am delighted to be a longstanding partner. We visit ALBA with our MBA and executive MBA students every year, and each time, ALBA creates an unforgettable cultural as well as academically high-standard experience for us all. The highly successful and professional approach combined with an easy, attentive and friendly approach quickly wins the hearts of lecturers as well as visiting students. I am looking forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration.

Prof. Dr. Christian Schuchardt, Acting Dean of IGC International Graduate Center, University of A.S. Bremen, Germany
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To create a better world for all, we need people who assume responsibility, take action, and inspire others. The American College of Greece, throughout its history, has been an institution that fosters such noble qualities for our youngsters. Congratulations on such an impactful journey to date, and warm wishes for the future.

Michael Tsamaz, Chairman & CEO OTE Group
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In its centenary year, ACG commemorates a century of excellence. ACG and ALBA have nurtured leaders, spurred innovation, and enriched Greek culture. Here’s to continued growth as its enduring legacy shines brightly, guiding the entrepreneurs of the future and elevating the quality of education in Greece.

Teti Tsekoura, Alba '20, Bold Ogilvy S.A., Group Chief Legal Councel
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As the college celebrates 100 years of successful presence in the Greek education environment, all of us who have been privileged to be part of this community are proud of its past and thrilled about the prospects of its future.

Despina Thomaidou, Alba '10, Senior Director, Global Medical Affairs, Pfizer
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Congratulations on the completion of a remarkable first 100 years of ACG’s operation in Greece and best wishes for an even more successful next hundred.

Peter Thun, Former ACG Board Chair and Life Trustee
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May ACG continue its success for another 100 years as a source of inspiration to all those who dare to stand up to their life values and dreams...

Mata Tsolozidis Zisiadi, Pierce '75, Deree '79, Collector and Manager of the TSOLOZIDIS PRIVATE COLLECTION of Greek and Egyptian Antiquities
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The American College of Greece holds a special place in the longstanding relationship between the United States and Greece. It has offered the best of American education to thousands of Greek and international students, supporting the strong educational linkages between our two nations. I congratulate the leadership, educators, and staff of ACG for their unwavering commitment to academic excellence and educational exchanges based on our shared democratic values and respect for diversity, accessibility, and inclusion. Happy birthday, ACG family!

George J. Tsunis, US Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic
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I am grateful for the inspiring professors I was fortunate to have at Deree who taught me how to analyze and critically assess the facts and helped me pursue my passion for history. At Pierce, I formed critical thinking skills, learned not to take anything for granted and overcame the fear of taking a leap.

Dr. Johanna Tzanidaki, Pierce ‘88, Deree ‘93, received post-graduate degrees at institutions across Europe and the U.S. and is Chief Innovation Officer at the European organization representing Intelligent Transport Systems based in Brussels
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At this historic milestone of The American College of Greece, I am really honored to be part of this legacy. Over the past 100 years, ACG has strongly impacted the educational & academic landscape of our country. Here's to the next 100 years, full of students’ and communities’ empowerment and growth.

Maria Verouchi, Alba '22, Managing Director Edenred Greece
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